Don McLean comes to mind as I get out of the car at 4.00 in the morning - Starry Starry Night. What a sky! Moonlight illuminating the mountains in front of me and The Plough just sitting at a tilt along the peaks amidst a myriad of stars in a rich dark night sky with a bit of a chill in the air, just 8˚C.
Do I stop and unpack the camera? - Wish I had, but no, got to get off if I want to see the sunrise from the top of the mountains opposite Pic du Midi d'Ossau.
The first part of the walk is not too bad under dappled moonlight as the tree lined path follows along side the reservoir. That fresh smell of damp vegetation with a hint of tree pollen, then the path starts to climb as the sound of the mountain river draws closer.
Now I had made a flask of tea, filled a baguette with a selection of things - jam, peanut butter cucumber and ham (mmmm!), also a banana and water which all fitted nicely into the carry bag for my 3leggedThing - 3leggedThing Brian was strapped to my camera bag, but the one thing I didn't have was a torch.
Getting to the top of this steep incline and passing through a gate, the path opens out and splits in two directions - one along the open valley and the other to the right, up another steep path through mature forest of chestnut, pine and oak.
Well, I thought, this will be fun - I turned right and went into the forest, not too bad for the first 20m but then the canopy shut out what little moonlight there was and waiting for my eyes to adjust I couldn't see a thing. I had been this way before in daylight, so I knew the general direction of the path, but now stumbling over tree roots and rocks I manage to fall over three times; I stopped and thought - if I wait till dawn it would have been a waste of time getting up at 2.15am to come up here! Ah - mobile phone, well, better than no light at all and with the little illumination from the screen I was able to make out the bigger obstacles on the path and a combination of the phone and listening to the sound your feet made on the ground (leafy noise meant off the path) I manage to wind my way up through the forest.

Time to get the camera out and my 3leggedThing Brian. Fix the camera onto the cosmic green head and extend the carbon fibre legs to balance the weight and I'm off. This is the first time I've used this tripod on a long walk and so far it's been a pleasure - nice balance, light and the bag is a great place to put your lunch and snacks (also doubles up as a nifty lens case once you've eaten your lunch).

Wish I was younger, this is hard work. Stop to capture a few shots of the moon near the first lake, my mum used to say "moon run till sun catch him". This was a saying from the west Indies where my mum lived as a small girl in Georgetown before coming to the UK in the 1920's. Must press on as the night sky gets lighter and lighter.
The last bit was a bit of a rush - I don't know about moon run but the sun was catching me quicker than I wanted. I got to the third lake just as that golden glow was starting, no time to set anything up, one quick shot across the lake then a scramble up another 200 feet to the top of the ridge. Too late - the glow had passed - but that’s life, you can set stuff up in a studio and get just the shot you want but landscape photography is more about being in the right place at the right time and hoping the cloud and weather conditions are going to be in your favour. But hell I wouldn't have it any other way.

Pressing on, I want to walk round this third lake and up to the ridge beyond that looks down on it and in the other direction across towards Accous where I paraglide.
Got there ... a fantastic view, now it's lunchtime, 28˚C, not a cloud in the sky, cramp in my legs and a long walk down.
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